Corner manglement detail

Finally got it onto the table last week, and started doing some preliminary body & fender work on it, straightening the bent corner partially with an adjustable wrench and gently tapping the plug-in bezel mostly back into shape, at least to the point a plug-in will seat fully. Ultimately I expect the front panel will be coming off for a proper flattening, but I suspect that will be a major undertaking.

The guy I bought it from stated that he'd been using it some time ago, then heard a 'pop' and the beam went away. He then put it aside, and eventually sold it. Got ambitions this afternoon and connected it to a variac and voltage/current metering box I have and brought it up tonight, fully expecting a HV failure and no emission from the CRT. Not quote - the HV isn't dead; instead I get both beams just fine, they just don't sweep and the brightness adjustment has no effect - they're trying tp burn through the face of the tube. Horizontal position controls move them partially on to the screen, and the vertical position adjustments on the plug-ins move them at least somewhat vertically, but I only kept it on long enough to determine this and to snap a few photos before shutting down to prevent damage to the phosphor.

More later as I find time to work on it. I did get a hard copy of the manual, so that'll be a big help. First order of business will be actual power supply voltage checks.