TEAm Game Zone

The place to be when you have TEA. Discuss all kinds of test equipment.

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TEAm Game Zone

Post by AVGresponding »

Hi Peeps,

I'm looking to get together a few nerd-geeks to play some games online, maybe Zoom D&D, maybe party games like Among Us and Moving Out (I'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming to play Fall Guys :x ), Gang Beasts, that kind of thing.

I'm not suggesting any kind of hard and fast time frame or time slot, but am looking to see whether there's enough enthusiasm to make it happen; we'd need a minimum of four or five for most games, and preferably eight to twelve for some.

I have PMed bitseeker to ask for a new section in "More", just in case people aren't happy for it to be here.

Looking forward to doing some ganking (and getting ganked!) :lol:

EDIT: Here's some gameplay from a few titles

Among Us

Gang Beasts

Moving Out 2
nuqDaq yuch Dapol?

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Re: TEAm Game Zone

Post by teadmin »

If there's interest, I can make a forum for it to keep things tidy. ;)
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