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Please murder this. With EXTREME prejudice.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:11 pm
by mnementh
murder this.JPG
K, THX, luvya, Buh-bye! :laughing:

Re: Please murder this. With EXTREME prejudice.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:25 pm
by teadmin
LOL! Hamfests be mighty popular on this forum. Relaxed the stats that trigger "common" words for the search index and rebuilt the index.

Search away...

Re: Please murder this. With EXTREME prejudice.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:13 pm
by bd139
So basically they stop high cost search operations by banning them. Fucking PHP programmers! :(

Re: Please murder this. With EXTREME prejudice.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:12 pm
by mnementh
You can have your URL in any color text as long as it's black, too. They'll turn it into this crusty grey-blue anyways.

*senselessly necro-ing pointless threads in the forgotten corners of the intardnet since nineteen-mumblety-mumble*