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Making Screenshots of Test Equipment Old and New

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:42 am
by tggzzz
Just popped up on my RSS feed. His blog has other interesting stuff.

In the blog post, describe the procedures that I use to create screenshots of the test equipment that I personally own, so that don’t need to figure it out again when I use the device a year later. That doesn’t make it all that useful for others, but somebody may benefit from it when googling for it… As always, I’m using Linux so the software used below reflects that. ... pment.html

Re: Making Screenshots of Test Equipment Old and New

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:13 am
by vk6zgo
In my last pre-retirement job, in the workshop, we had an IFR spectrum analyser which, although it had a second handbook about how you could send commands to it remotely, had no information on how to make screenshots, other than to the inbuilt floppy.
Ok, sez I, "easy peasy", ---- just fill up a floppy, go upstairs to my office & download everything from that, so I can put it into the relevant file on the PC there.
Nope! no floppy drive on that one! Arrr! Bugger!

I ended up dragging the old "workshop bitch" PC, out & transferring the floppy data to a USB thumbdrive, so I could take that upstairs.
Clunky?---- Yes, but I didn't have the time to learn any computer "know how", as I was doing RF stuff that the Transmitter manufacturers had signally failed to do!