Started the checkout/repair. First up checked the PSU voltages including the HV. Everything was in spec and healthy. I will eventually do a re-cap but holding off until all issues are fixed.
First repair action is the lack of backlight on the Volts/Div on the 5A15N plug-in. The lighting is actually neon bulbs driven by +200V from the mainframe. See schematic. There's a bulb for the X1 as well as the sense for an X10 probe. Neither lights work.
I was mainly interested in R194 and R190 and check them as shown in the parts location diagram in the manual.
This is what my plug-in looks like. Do you see R194 and R190? I don't either.
The parts location diagram in the upper right shows perhaps 2 resistors and 2 transistors.
My plug-in in the upper right shows many more resistors and at least 3 transistors.
Obviously there was an update on this plug-in. But every manual I found on line reflects the manual I have. I checked Ebay to see if there was a S/N specific manual for sale but no joy. My plug-in is B081382 which is a very high number. So what to do? I'm going to modify the X1 neon bulb so it ties in directly to the +200V thru a 180K resistor. I'll make it reversible so if I find the proper manual I'll delete the mod.